不一樣的藍光過濾器 - Different Blue Filter 是一款不同於以往藍光過濾器的程式,它不但具有一般藍光過濾器的所有功能同時也兼備了多許生活中的實用小工具,透過它不但可以達到保護眼睛的效果,也能同時使您的生活更加便利。
- 藍色光濾波器:保護視力、緩解疲勞、眼部健康、眼部護理。
- 濾波器顏色:自然的七大原色保護您的眼睛。
- 夜間護眼:降低亮度、極致黑在夜間使用可緩解眼部疲勞。
- 濾波器自動調整:透過目前光線亮度自動調整濾波器顏色。
- 其他小工具:虛擬按鍵、超亮手電筒、一鍵鎖屏。
- 垃圾桶:幫助您快速解除安裝 不一樣的藍光過濾器 - Different Blue Filter。
- 支援語言:中文、English。
- 藍光過濾器、夜間模式、自動模式、手電筒、螢幕鎖、Home鍵、Menu鍵、Back鍵、Apps鍵、Notice鍵。
- 安裝其他應用程式或發現某部分按鍵無法點擊時請先關閉過濾器。
- 無法解除安裝時可開啟本應用程式點選垃圾桶解除安裝。
- 這個應用程式需取得裝置管理員權限
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOjFLp98JUqqv5IIl3VbkjA
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/105507265283441727275
D.F Towards 開發團隊敬上
Different Blu-ray filters - Different Blue Filter is a different program from the previous Blu-ray filters. It not only has all the functions of a general Blu-ray filter, but also has many practical gadgets in life. Protecting your eyes can also make your life easier.
Feature Description:
- Blue light filter: protects vision, relieves fatigue, eye health, eye care.
- Filter color: Natural seven primary colors protect your eyes.
- Night eye protection: Reduces the brightness and extremely black at night to relieve eye fatigue.
- Filter auto-adjustment: automatically adjusts the filter color through the current light level.
- Other gadgets: virtual buttons, super bright flashlights, one-button lock screen.
- Trash can: Helps you quickly uninstall the different Blu-ray filters - Different Blue Filter.
- Supported languages: Chinese, English.
Function description:
- Blu-ray filter, night mode, auto mode, flashlight, screen lock, Home button, Menu button, Back button, Apps button, Notice button.
- Please close the filter before installing other applications or finding that some buttons cannot be clicked.
- Unable to uninstall the application. Click the trash can to uninstall.
- This app requires device administrator privileges
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOjFLp98JUqqv5IIl3VbkjA
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/105507265283441727275
Thank you for reading in detail, if you have any questions, please leave a message in the comments section, we will answer your questions.
Sincerely, D.F Towards Development Team